Legislative News

On Tuesday, February 27, 2024, then President now Immediate Past State President (IPSP) Stephanie Bridwell spoke with State Senators Kent Smith and Paula Hicks-Hudson on proposed legislation the "Pay Equity Hotline" to address inequities in the workplace and the "Fair Paycheck Workplace" to recognize companies that pay their employees equally. Both these measures would strengthen the current Ohio law prohibiting wage discrimination.

There were six (6) BPW Ohio members present for the press conference.
(l-r) BPW Legislative Consultant Kathy Telban, Immediate PSP Liz Herrell, IPSP Stephanie Bridwell, Senator Paula Hicks-Hudson. PSP Paulette Knazek, PSP Charlon Dewberry, Senator Kent Smith, and BPW Ohio Legislative Chair Pat Talbot.

Charlon Dewberry commented via her email that our BPW President Stephanie Bridwell gave remarks supporting the pay equity legislation. I am sure it was recorded by the Ohio Channel so you can probably go to their website and pull it up for yourself. She did a wonderful job and this was a great opportunity for BPW Ohio to showcase our work on behalf of working women.
Please share this information with others and lets get actively involved in the fight to secure pay equity for all women. If anyone is counting, this is our second trip to the Statehouse to advocate on our legislative platform issues in the last couple of years - Lobby Day in November 2022 and yesterday. Let's keep it going.