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BPW/Ohio’s political action committee (BPW/OHIO PAC) was established to provide
Ohio BPW members with a way to legally endorse and
contribute financial support to candidates for state office.

The Ohio Federation’s PAC is a separate legal entity and must remain so due to federal regulations concerning not-for-profit organizations.
Contributions to BPW/Ohio PAC are solicited and disbursed in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code and guidelines established by the Ohio Secretary of State.. Contributions to BPW/Ohio PAC are NOT tax deductible.
Please see down further in this page for the links to the forms for Candidate Nominations
Click on Links for forms for PAC Information and for Candidate Nominations
The time-period for submitting for consideration for a PAC endorsement and/or a donation
is 1 week after filing for a position with the Board of Elections,
and no later than 60 days prior to the election.
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